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My joys…

I have a very negative outlook on life in general, I have a very hard time seeing the positives even though I know there are many around me. I always think of the worst outcome first and even talking about myself, I find I pick out the flaws instead of the positives. I have been trying to change my outlook on life, for my sake and my kids. My Mum can be very negative too and I definitely think perhaps that’s where mine began.

My therapist previously asked me to write down positives I have during a span of a week, at first I thought this was a great idea and liked seeking them out. However, I quickly noticed that I had to really try to see what was positive about my day. I also noticed that whatever I wrote down they were all involving my children; obviously a very good thing as I love my kids and they bring me joy, but I noticed none actually involved just me. So we decided on a different approach – writing down my joys, that could be as small as the smell of fresh grass. I know my children bring me the most joy but I was dedicated to try and find joys that didn’t involved them, so here is what I have so far…

Buying a coffee out

I am an absolute sucker for buying coffee out and I absolutely spend too much money on this. I don’t know if it’s because in my mind its a treat, or a sugar fix or just the coffee seems better.

Having a slow morning, especially a Sunday

I love having a slow morning, taking my time waking up (I love when the sunshine peaks through the curtains, the birds chirping as I wake). In the past this has always hit on a Sunday, but there is something about slow Sunday mornings that I just love. Obviously I don’t get to do that now with two toddlers, but I can only hope.


Yes I said it, rain. I’m from England remember, I must love rain a little bit! Truly, I am not fond of being in the rain, but I do love being inside when it rains; a proper rainstorm/thunderstorm kind of rain. There is something about being cosy under a blanket, watching television, with a hot cup of tea and pizza.

When someone drops me off home but waits until I get indoors before driving away

I’m not sure if this is a safety thing from a women’s perspective; do men even like when this happens? Does it happen to men? Anyways, besides the safety part of it, it makes me feel like someone cares that I arrive home safe.

Being bare feet on grass

I guess the correct word is grounding or earthing. I have read in the past about this and people have studied the effects but I don’t intentionally ground. When the seasons change, it becomes warmer and you’re camping, playing in the garden, or out on a field with your children; the feel of bare feet on the grass seems somewhat natural and refreshing.

Laughing with friends

There is a big difference between laughing with strangers rather than laughing with lifelong friends. It is something I miss not living at home.

Having dinner out

If my husband takes us out somewhere I know its an all day thing, I’m like yes we’re eating out. Even date nights or having breakfast out. I notice I eat better; I don’t eat much nowadays (at home). I cook everyday at home, so I guess eating out is like a treat or a break.


I love organising or re-organising things. My husband hates it because i’m constantly re-arranging things in the house. He uses this as the excuse of why he can never find anything.

When my children ask to dance

Okay, I guess I did include one about my children but I really love this one. Every single day since my daughter was born we have listened and danced to music in our kitchen, probably even when I was pregnant. It used to be rock music, nowadays its more songs from the movies, sing, ugly dolls and frozen. More recently its going on a bear hunt or toddler clean up song. My son loves to dance too. When I drive my daughter to school, she now asks to dance; putting on cheesy toddler music and dancing it out in the car puts us all in the best mood for the day!

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