Home » My 2025 resolutions

My 2025 resolutions

Every single year, when the new year rolls in and you wash your hands with the old one. Everyone hopes and wishes for a better year, healthier you and a dry January. Yet, who really keeps to it? I know I’m guilty of never following through with my resolutions – actually I’m pretty sure I say the same ones every, single, year. Do you? Well this year I wanted to change that.

1. Be healthier and stronger

It is 2025 (it is really weird writing that, I still expect to write 2009 like I’m still in school), and I’m now a Mum of two…toddlers I may add. Every year I usually always say that I want to get fit. Truthfully, I have always worked out, just not very consistently. Now I turn 32 in 2025, my body has been through a lot in those years and fitness means something deeper to me now. Once you become a Mum, you’re never truly your own person again. Now I want to be healthy and strong for them. I want to be able to play with them as along as I can, play with my grandchildren. I want to show them that females can be strong too, and a healthy body and fuelling your body correctly is the goal. Anyways, isn’t there a study somewhere that shows that children who watch their parents workout and be healthy also grow up to be healthy?

2. Photography

I actually did A level photography in college, I have always had some level of interest in photography throughout my life. Even for my 16th, I asked for my first proper camera. I never really stuck with it though because I wasn’t too passionate and the hobby took a lot of time. Also, you can take pretty decent photos with phones nowadays too. As soon as I decided to start a blog, I was thinking about photography again. Perhaps I could start really learning how to become a good photographer and take better photos for my blog, of my children, of my life State-side. Being a Mum I have lost a lot of my identity and I cannot remember my likes or dislikes and I don’t really have any hobbies, not anymore. Perhaps for my 32nd birthday I’ll get a decent camera and become a photographer! Lol

3. Read

Read books…for as long as I can remember I have never really enjoyed reading a book. When I read I can never imagine the characters or the scenery etc and I find it quite boring when an author takes up a whole chapter describing the scenery. In the past the only times I ever really did read was on a plane. Moving from England to America actually helped me get into reading – because of the frequent flying back and forth. I am very proud to say I have read numerous books now (some I didn’t finish, some I absolutely loved and couldn’t put down). Also, I now know how book lovers feel when a movie is made and they miss out soooo much from the book! I read the ‘After’ series and LOVED them, but then watched the movies and they missed out SO much! One thing I liked though, the movies helped me put faces to the characters and reading the book series.

4. Blog

I have always thought about starting a blog but never really knew where to start or what to even write about. I actually started this blog because I had over 10,000 photos on my phone (now have 13,000), and I wanted to free up space. So I decided to put all my USA travels on a blog. However, I have changed and edited my blog so many times (I’m a perfectionist), until now. So I really hope to be consistent with my blogging – part time.

5. Stretch

I suppose this could come under fitness but it really needs its own heading. I am guilty of never stretching my body, before and post workouts or just in general. I have hip impingement so I definitely should be doing this. As I have aged (making it sound like I’m 80, no really I feel 80), my mobility has decreased. I have always feared that I would end up immobile, wheelchair bound in my old age and if I don’t do anything to help now, it will be my reality. But…am I too late?

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