I welcome March with open arms this year. Although the winter hasn’t been nearly as cold as it has been in the past, it has still felt like it has lingered; living in Massachusetts we have experienced some harsh winters. I know that it isn’t spring until late March, but knowing it is around the corner brings me joy; spring is my favourite season.
In recent years March brings a lot of memories, my daughter was born in March and I became a first time Mum. This also means my firstborn becomes a threeanger! I haven’t done birthday cakes in the past, perhaps a cupcake here and there but this year she has asked for a pink unicorn cake; pink is her favourite at the moment. I have asked her Dad to be in charge of the cake, so lets see what surprise that brings.
My daughter now recognises what a birthday is and that she gets presents; she has asked for big big presents. Every time I get a parcel delivered she asks if it’s my birthday, as she thinks they’re all gifts. We have decided to not get her as much as Christmas wasn’t that long ago and she got so many from us and family. Although, I really enjoyed opening up new toys for them to play with; I think I was more excited because the current toys we had, I felt so bored playing with them repeatedly. I feel the same with her birthday coming round too.
Additionally, March is the month I met my husband – I will do a separate blog post about how we met another time. This year, it is our 9 year anniversary. I cannot believe that I have known this man for nearly a decade. We don’t usually celebrate it as a typical anniversary since we got married, but I usually still get a card. Our bi-weekly date night lands on our anniversary this year, so it would be nice to celebrate it with a nice dinner. Looking back through the years, it’s kind of incredible what life we have built together. If someone had told me that I would end up living in America with this man and having two kids, I wouldn’t have believed them. Although, I definitely did think I would marry him – the moment I saw him.
p.s I conceived my second born in March so I wonder what March 2025 brings our family this year lol!