Welcome to Millennial Grid,
I am a stay at home Mum of two who has recently started to step into part-time blogging. I am also an aspiring children’s book author.
I originally wasn’t going to share my name on the internet for everyone to see, but I thought if you have taken time out of your day to visit my grid and follow it, I should at least greet myself – So hi again, my name is Chelsea.
I have always wanted to start an online blog but I was never sure how to start or what to even write about or…would people even care? Last summer I started and I have re-designed the blog so many times, it also had an entirely different name (i’m a perfectionist).
The purpose of this blog is to showcase my new life in America, our travels and lifestyle. I am originally from England and moved State-side with my husband in 2019 due to his work.
You’ll be on this journey with me as a new part-time blogger – I say part-time because I really don’t have time to do this full time with being a Mum. I honestly don’t know how influencers do it – it really is a full-time job.
You’ll probably see me grow back into myself – I hope. Before, when I had no responsibility, I had hobbies like paddle boarding and kayaking, I loved to hike and go on adventures. I loved to travel and explore different cities and cultures. I was also a homebody, loved slow Sundays, binge watching series. Since becoming a Mum I have lost my identity a bit and it’s been really hard to get back into things that I loved, because it is very hard to find time for yourself without feeling guilty. Also things don’t interest me like they used to.
Anyways – below are some little random facts about me.
I could eat pasta for every meal, everyday.
I am so scared of sharks, I don’t go in the sea, higher than my knee.
I did swim with sharks in the Dominican Republic in 2023, and had a panic attack.
I have 6 siblings – I am no. 5 of 7.
I had two weddings, two dresses, (to the same man).
I am an aspiring children’s book author.
I had a stutter as a child that came with me into adulthood. Now at 31 I have more of a stammer.
I am so scared of growing old – even though I know it is a privilege.
I like being alone, but I crave social connection – it is confusing at times.